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How and Why the Royal Arch – The Journey
Thursday, 25, February, 2016 @ 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Posted on Jan 6, 2016 in News, Provincial Grand Chapter
How and why the Royal Arch
– The Journey –
Presented by
The Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire Provincial Demonstration Team
at the Harrow District Masonic Centre on
Thursday 25 February 2016 – 6.00pm
This play, set in a pub in 1740, looks at the opposing views on masonic ritual and workings of the degrees at that time. How does a Master Mason discover the genuine secrets?
There is humour, history and stimulation.
A compelling period costume piece.
This event is targetted at Master Masons, who have not yet become Royal Arch Masons.
Set in the time around 1740 the play is presented in the costume of the period.
Through the eyes of a cheeky potman working in an inn where a number of Lodges meet, the opening of a rift between the Traditioners and the Modernisers is the starting point.
With the background of the opposing views on the ritual and workings of the degrees, the play looks at a frustrated Worshipful Master not being able to discover the “genuine secrets” and the subsequent entrance of Lawrence Dermott to introduce the fourth degree as a solution.
The rest, as they say, is history.
An event not to be missed !
Target audience – Master Masons who are not yet Royal Arch Masons.
The event may also be of interest to Lodge Mentors and Royal Arch Reps
Play £5 Dinner (with wine) £25
Proceeds to Middlesex 2020 Festival
Hosted by the Centre with Unity Chapter, No.1637
If you wish to attend contact Peter Annett – p.annett@ntlworld.com
(Tel: 01483 827026 Mob: 07754 661400)